my NLP & AI Research

In the following you will find a collection of articles, research papers, and thought-provoking pieces on natural language processing and machine learning. My publications focus on text-generation, paraphrasing, and the social and ethical implications of these technologies. For statistics about the papers, check out Google Scholar or Semantic Scholar. Consider visiting the blog for thoughts beyond the research works.

MAGPIE: Multi-Task Media-Bias Analysis of Generalization of Pre-Trained Identification of Expressions
Tomáš Horych, Martin Wessel, Jan Philip Wahle, Terry Ruas, Jerome Waßmuth, André Greiner-Petter, Akiko Aizawa, Bela Gipp, Timo Spinde
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Text-Guided Image Clustering
EACL 2024 (Oral)
Andreas Stephan, Lukas Miklautz, Kevin Sidak, Jan Philip Wahle, Bela Gipp, Claudia Plant, Benjamin Roth
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Paraphrase Types for Generation and Detection
EMNLP 2023
Jan Philip Wahle, Bela Gipp, Terry Ruas
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We are Who We Cite: Bridges of Influence Between NLP and Other Academic Fields
EMNLP 2023 (Oral)
Jan Philip Wahle, Terry Ruas, Mohamed Abdalla, Bela Gipp, Saif M. Mohammad
[pdf] [bibtex] [code] [demo] [blog]
The Elephant in the Room: Analyzing the Presence of Big Tech in NLP Research
ACL 2023 (Oral)
Mohamed Abdalla*, Jan Philip Wahle*, Terry Ruas, Aurelie Névéol, Fanny Ducel, Saif M. Mohammad, Karen Fort
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How Large Language Models are Transforming Machine-Paraphrase Plagiarism
EMNLP 2022 (Oral)
Jan Philip Wahle, Terry Ruas, Frederic Kirstein, Bela Gipp
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Analyzing Multi-Task Learning for Abstractive Text Summarization
Frederic Kirstein, Jan Philip Wahle, Terry Ruas, Bela Gipp
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D3: A Massive Dataset of Scholarly Metadata for Analyzing the State of Computer Science Research
LREC 2022 (Oral)
Jan Philip Wahle, Terry Ruas, Saif Mohammad, Bela Gipp
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Identifying Machine-Paraphrased Plagiarism
iConference 2022
Jan Philip Wahle, Terry Ruas, Tomas Foltýnek, Norman Meuschke, Bela Gipp
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Testing the Generalization of Neural Language Models for COVID-19 Misinformation Detection
iConference 2022
Jan Philip Wahle*, Nischal Ashok*, Terry Ruas, Norman Meuschke, Tirthankar Ghosal, Bela Gipp
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Are Neural Language Models Good Plagiarists? A Benchmark for Neural Paraphrase Detection
JCDL 2021
Jan Philip Wahle, Terry Ruas, Norman Meuschke, Bela Gipp