I am a PhD candidate in computer science and natural language processing at the University of Göttingen in Germany adviced by Prof. Gipp and Dr. Ruas. I received my master's degree in computer science from the University of Wuppertal and worked for the automotive company Aptiv PLC before continuing with my PhD studies. I have been a visiting researcher at the National Research Council (NRC) Canada. My research has been presented at ACL, EMNLP, EACL, and COLING.
I'm fascinated by human intelligence, particularly the role of language in cognitive abilities. Human language is not only an important tool for the dissemination of information, it opens up the dimensions of outer worlds (social communication with others) and inner worlds (reflection and thought). Language allows to travel thoughts back and forth in time, create hypothetical scenarios, and generate new ideas. Because I believe language is key to human intelligence, I have dedicated my professional life to understanding it and making computers learn about it to build intelligent systems. I am interested in building agents that can mimic various human abilities and help us in our daily lives. Lately I have figured that these intelligent systems could also pose harm to humanity, so I'm also working on making sure they don't.
Here are updates about recent activities, such as talks, awards, travels, and workshops.
Nov 2024: I will attend EMNLP in Miami to present out recent works on prompt engineering and summarization.
Jul 2024: I will give a talk to the Volkswagen Foundation about AI tools in the funding process.
Apr 2024: I will give a talk about NLP innovations for businesses to the company Eschbach.
Mar 2024: I am visiting the group of Benjamin Roth in Vienna.
Feb 2024: I will give a talk at the University of Groningen to the Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI organized by Tommaso Caselli about "Insights, Findings, and Recommendations for Paraphrasing and Plagiarism in the Age of LLMs."
Dec 2023: I will attend EMNLP in Singapore to present our works on paraphrase types and cross-field citation dynamics.
Nov 2023: I will give a talk at LMU Munich to Barbara Plank's MaiNLP group about our EMNLP paper "We are Who We Cite: Bridges of Influence Between Natural Language Processing and Other Academic Fields."
Jul 2023: I will attend ACL in Toronto to present our work on big tech influence on NLP research.
Apr 2023: I got awarded a six-month scholarship by the DAAD to visit the National Research Council Canada and work with Saif M. Mohammad.
Mar 2023: I will give a talk at the Open Science Workshop organized by Birgit Schmidt about "AI in the Scientific Writing Process."
Dec 2022: I will attend EMNLP in Abu Dhabi to present our work on how large language models are transforming plagiarism detection.
I love conducting research, especially on innovations that enable humans to do things they were not able to do before. I also care deeply about the future of humanity and human safety, because I love us and our little planet. Below are a few projects that I've worked on (with the help of other great human beings). You can also find more research on Google Scholar .
I enjoy sharing ideas that excite me and get you excited about them too. Check out where I've been chatting lately – who knows, you might catch me at the next conference buffet. You can find more on YouTube.
A talk I gave at EMNLP in Singapore on the cross-field influence of NLP and other fields.
A talk I gave at ACL in Toronto on the influence of Big Tech companies on NLP research.
A pre-recorded talk for JCDL in New Mexico about a system to document AI use in research papers.
A pre-recorded talk I also gave at LREC in Marseille on a dataset for scholarly metadata.
A pre-recorded talk I also gave hybrid during COVID on detecting machine-paraphrased plagiarism.
University of Göttingen
Papendiek 14, Office 0.209
37073 Göttingen, Germany
wahle {at} uni-goettingen {dot} de
Also text me if you like any of these: table tennis, chess, FPV drones, piano, techno music.